Eminence Architects [Research + Design], is an architecture and interior design firm based in Tripunithura, Ernakulam, Kerala, India. It was founded by Ar.Surag Viswanathan Iyer in the year 2015. The works that comes out from the small studio constantly experiments with designs; from complex flows to uniqueness.
Eminence sincerely strive to deliver bespoke building designs with no two being the same. Our approach to design although appears simple and minimalistic, involves a complexity of lines. We believe that if a building can feel like it naturally ‘belongs’, or fits logically in a place, to an environment, then the people that inhabit the building will likely feel a sense of belonging there as well. We are motivated by architectural innovations and a broad range of disciplines come together in our work; including resource management strategies, usage of digital technologies, landscape architecture, sustainable design initiatives and interior design.

Message from the Founder

B.Arch, MAA
Principal Architect
Surag Viswanathan Iyer, BArch,MAA
Surag has graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from SRM School of Architecture and Interior Design, SRM University, Chennai in 2011. He has procured Master’s degree in Advanced Architecture from Iaac (Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia), Barcelona, Spain in 2013, where he was exposed to use of digital processes and development of technological materials with respect to architecture. His research of Self-Sufficient building – “Soundscape”, where sound acts as the building to generate power, received a lot of appreciation; was done under the guidance of Enric-Ruiz-Geli (Cloud 9, Barcelona).
He has interned at InForm Architects, Bangalore in 2009 and began his professional career as Jr. Architect in 2011 at the same office, where he gained exposure to different types of architecture and interior projects of varied scale such as residences, budget townships, villas etc. He has worked as a freelancer from 2013 and successfully completed various projects of varied categories such as individual residences, residence renovations, multi-stories residences, residential interiors, retail design, office interiors etc., prior to starting the firm in 2015. He was also active in architecture education, as visiting faculty at Designer Institute of Interior Design, Ernakulam, Kerala, India.